A Debate Regarding Technology in Classrooms

The Debates were based on people being for or against the following statements 

-For/ Against

Due to the digital nature of society in the 21st century, all citizens should be provided access to the internet–especially students, who will need to be prepared for productive citizenship.

Common Readings for both sides of the argument:



Main idea of both readings: The ” homework gap and digital divide” has caused students who don’t have internet access to have a disadvantage towards their quality of education.

-For/ Against

To be fully prepared to compete in the global economy, students need all of their teachers to regularly use technology to have them communicate, collaborate, create, and think critically.

Common Readings for both sides of the argument:



Main idea of both readings: Teachers not having professional training on the use of technology has also been a causation of this digital divide.

Twitter as a form of communication:

 Twitter  is a very common form of technology that is used in classrooms today was used as a resource of communication for us during these debates. We commented on our specific thoughts that came up during the debates. Also, we tweeted out valid points we liked that were contributed by the debaters.

This is the perfect example of why technology is an important element to use in a classroom. By us using Twitter, it  allowed us to communicate and be able to see important concepts our fellow peers were making. Twitter is also used a lot in other industry’s and by us using it now, it allows us to practice for potential future careers.  

Here are some screenshots of the tweets that were tweeted out:

An article on how to exactly participate in a Twitter chat is mentioned below: 

“A Quick Start Guide to Participating in a Twitter Chat”: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SO77i1BczhRDHx6TsPE9t0Wacs0TpRs6p1TrZdtdP8o/edit


The Debate: Our debate in class consisted of 4 groups that were either for or against an argument. The groups that were for or against each of the statements went against one another. My group was for the statement “To be fully prepared to compete in the global economy, students need all of their teachers to regularly use technology to have them communicate, collaborate, create, and think critically.”

A new perspective: My group backed up our argument by doing RESEARCH on the internet. Even while we were working on this, we used technology. Being able to have technology in classrooms to research information will expand students knowledge, just like it expanded our knowledge on this topic. We also used Google Docs and this allowed us to share one document and having each of us to write out our supporting argument. This allowed us to collaborate easier and faster.

My groups argument:

We agree that to be fully prepared to compete in the global economy, students need all of their teachers to regularly use technology to have them communicate, collaborate, create, and think critically because…

  • Help prepare students for future careers bc the use the use of technology is required in almost every industry

  • Helps students with all different learning styles (Visual learners-google slides having images on them, videos on the internet)

  • Interaction with classmates- kids with social anxiety can still communicate with their classmates without triggering this anxiety

  • Develop digital citizenship skills which is knowledge and skills to effectively use digital technologies to communicate with others, participate in society and create and consume digital content (which is needed in future careers)

  • Increased student safety leads to increased learning

  • There is a strong research base that describes how technology strengthens student engagement and learning.

  • Educational resources are accessible such as Khan Academy

  • Encourages individual learning


Redefining Learning and Teaching using Technology:Ted Talk

Here is an amazing article regarding Teachers needing efficient training on how to integrate technology in their classrooms:



Bettering my Students Education with Technology

I will integrate multiple types of technology within my future classroom. Not only do I feel that it is necessary to get my students engaged with technology for educational use, but also to enhance their creativity. It is imperative that teachers allow their students to explore different types of technology because it allows them to see things in a new perspective as well as giving them more opportunities to get creative. My goal as a future Elementary School teacher is to allow my students to reach their full potential, and I feel a resource that allows this is technology. Our society is going to keep producing technological advancements and it is my job as an educator to prepare my students for life after school as well.



Safety involving the students use with technology:

Digital Citizenship Poster:  


This is a digital citizenship poster I made for teenagers to read and view. The poster informs teenagers on how they need to be cautious with what they post on the internet. It emphasizes on how the content you post on the internet causes others to view you in a certain way. That’s why posting positive and appropriate content is important, it allows others to view you in a good manner.

Helpful/Interesting Links Page:

Privacy: The links below inform you on the danger of posting personal information on the internet and how you can approach this/ be cautious

Here is a Forum Post (Online Safety 3.0)  that asks us to discuss what the article, “Online Safety 3.0: Empowering and Protecting Youth” talks about, here is my answer: 


-Coding: A resource kids can use to practice coding is Sphero! Here is an article that explains this resource!

“Sphero Intro ECI 201”: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ErStS6B8JZuP8Yg71elgW1mBJ0FOlA7PZP72Znyh30g/edit